ADARA – COMO FIRE (3mm x 228mm x 1524mm)


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Authorities in our business will tell in no uncertain terms that Lorem Ipsum is that huge, huge no no to forswear forever. Not so fast, I'd say, there are some redeeming factors in favor of greeking text, as its use is merely the symptom of a worse problem to take into consideration.

Product care

Anyway, you still use Lorem Ipsum and rightly so, as it will always have a place in the web workers toolbox, as things happen, not always the way you like it, not always in the preferred order.


COMO Fire Luxury Vinyl Collection

Based on the proven Como quality of virgin core materials and UV resistant decor papers we have stretched the design parameters to include our in-register texture and unique edge detailing. Como FIRE luxury vinyl sets the standard of product excellence.

Commercial Grade 3mm x 228mm x 1524mm LVT dryback plank with a 0.55mm wear layer bursting with industry leading features that will revolutionize the leading benchmark of luxury vinyl flooring .

SQM Price R 520.00

SQM’s Per Box: 4.17

Box Price: R 2 1684.00

Customer Reviews